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Every adventure starts with the first step.

And this is our first step. If you're reading this blog - thank you! You're probably a friend of ours that we hounded on Facebook or Twitter, so even more so - thank you! Thanks for taking some time out of your way to check out this site. It means a lot to both of us. The main purpose for the Ghost Watch Paranormal site is to share our adventures and experiences as we investigate haunted locations locally and across the nation.

Kevin and I have been to many more locations than the ones posted on our website through invitations with other investigation teams. Some of places we've had the privilige to investigate have been: St. James Hotel, Stanely Hotel, USS Hornet, La Purisma Mission, Goldfield Hotel, The Goldfield High School, The Nixon-Wingfield Building, The Washoe Club, and some private residential hauntings to add to the mix.

Before we even get started, please understand that our evidence we put up on the website is not the end all and be all of paranormal research. These are pieces of the puzzle that made us take a second to stop and go, "Huh, that's intersting..." We wanted to share these photos, video and audio clips as they come up on our travels. What we do promise you is that it's all real. Nothing faked. Nothing staged. No hoaxes.

Kevin and I have met nothing but amazingly friendly and sharing people in the paranormal community. Whether it's people that we've investigated with that are now life long friends (and drinking buddies) or people that we've met at locations that have opened their doors and welcomed us inside. Part of the fun of paranormal investigations is meeting new people and listening to their stories and experiences.

We've got some exciting things coming up in the Fall and Winter and can't wait to get going on those new adventures and projects. We'll be updating this site and blog as often as possible so again, we hope you come back and check out the new content.


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